Do THIS to Raise Your Vibe (Breathe Me In)

Ever notice how some days you feel light, joyful, and as if everything is falling into place, while other days feel heavy, challenging, or downright exhausting? That's your vibe in action. Our "vibe," or energetic frequency, plays a big role in shaping how we feel, the experiences we draw in, and how we handle life's ups and downs.

When our vibe is high, we're open, receptive, and able to flow through challenges with more ease. But when it dips, things can feel like an uphill battle. This is where VibeFlow Breathwork comes in. It's a powerful tool designed to help elevate your energy, clear out what’s weighing you down, and create a shift toward a more positive, aligned state.

Understanding Your Vibe

So, let’s break it down a bit more. What does it really mean to have a "high vibe"? Picture yourself in moments when you feel light, free, and joyful—those times when you’re just radiating happiness, and life seems to flow effortlessly. That’s the essence of a high vibe. You feel inspired, at peace, and in sync with everything around you, as if the universe is giving you a little wink and saying, "You’ve got this!"

On the other hand, a "low vibe" can feel like being stuck in quicksand. You might experience feelings of anxiety, exhaustion, or negativity, or find yourself caught in a loop of self-doubt and worry. It’s that sense of being weighed down, like there’s a cloud following you around.

The fascinating part is that our vibe isn’t set in stone. It’s influenced by our thoughts, emotions, the environment we’re in, our focus, and even the habits we cultivate. For example, if you’re constantly around negative influences, replaying stressful situations in your mind, or focusing on what's not going right, your vibe naturally takes a dip. But here’s the good news: we’re not powerless in this! We have the ability to shift our energy and raise our vibration by consciously choosing thoughts, feelings, actions, and areas of focus that support a higher vibe. What we focus on expands, so when we direct our attention to what feels good, uplifting, or inspiring, our vibe follows suit.

"The breath is a doorway to infinite presence." – Dan Brulé

The key is awareness. When you start to notice what lifts you up and what drags you down, you gain the power to make choices that align with a more positive, vibrant state of being. It's like tuning into a radio station that plays all your favorite songs—once you find that frequency, you can keep the good vibes flowing.

How Breathwork Impacts Your Vibration

Breath is more than just the air we take in and out; it’s an incredible tool that connects us to our inner energy. When we breathe intentionally, we aren’t just filling our lungs—we’re activating a deeper part of ourselves. Our breath has the power to reset our energy, calm our mind, and help us release what’s no longer serving us.

One of the most powerful aspects of VibeFlow Breathwork is its ability to calm the nervous system. When we’re stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, our bodies are often stuck in a fight-or-flight mode, also known as the sympathetic state. This is when our energy is low, our vibe dips, and everything feels a bit chaotic. But when we engage in intentional breathwork, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system—the part of our nervous system responsible for rest, relaxation, and healing.

By shifting into this parasympathetic state, our bodies naturally move into a place of calm, balance, and restoration. It’s like hitting a reset button. When we’re in this state, our heart rate slows down, our muscles relax, and our mind becomes clearer. This creates the perfect environment for raising our vibration because we’re no longer stuck in survival mode. Instead, we’re able to tap into feelings of peace, joy, and connection, which are the hallmarks of a high vibe.

With VibeFlow Breathwork, this process becomes even more profound. As you connect to your breath, you begin to sync up with your inner rhythm, creating a state of flow where everything just seems to align. This flow state is where the magic happens—it’s where your energy starts to rise, your mind clears, and you tap into your authentic self. It’s a beautiful journey of coming back to who you truly are beneath all the layers of stress, doubt, and fear.

The circular breath pattern we use in VibeFlow Breathwork takes you even deeper. It’s a rhythmic technique that helps clear energetic blockages and restore balance. This practice allows you to connect with your body on a deeper level, creating space for positive energy to flow in and for your vibration to rise naturally. It’s like opening up the windows of your soul and letting the fresh air in. You start to feel lighter, more balanced, and in tune with the world around you.

By consistently engaging in this practice, you’re not just raising your vibration in the moment—you’re rewiring your entire energy system. It becomes easier to tap into that flow state, stay connected to your higher self, and move through life with a sense of ease and grace. And isn’t that what we all want, after all? To feel at home in our own energy and radiate our most authentic, vibrant selves.

 Benefits of Raising Your Vibe with VibeFlow Breathwork

When you raise your vibe, amazing things start to happen. You'll find:

  • Increased clarity: With a higher vibration, your mind feels clearer, allowing you to make decisions with more confidence.

  • Enhanced creativity: As you let go of stagnant energy, you open up space for inspiration and new ideas.

  • Improved mood and reduced stress: Breathwork helps to release tension, making room for more joy, peace, and calm in your daily life.

  • A greater sense of inner peace: As you connect with your breath and energy, you'll feel more in tune with yourself and the world around you.

Raising your vibe also means attracting more positive experiences, people, and opportunities. Just like a magnet, the energy you put out into the world draws similar energy back to you. Many of my clients have experienced powerful shifts after VibeFlow Breathwork sessions. From feeling lighter and more energized to gaining a newfound sense of clarity, they’ve found that this practice has helped them elevate their energy and transform their lives.

Tips to Maintain a High Vibe Outside of Breathwork Sessions

While VibeFlow Breathwork is an incredible tool, maintaining a high vibe is an ongoing journey. Here are some simple ways to keep your energy elevated between sessions:

  • Practice gratitude: Start or end your day by listing a few things you’re grateful for. Gratitude is a quick way to raise your vibration.

  • Spend time in nature: Nature has a grounding, calming effect that helps reset your energy.

  • Listen to uplifting music: Choose tunes that make you feel good and lift your spirits.

  • Surround yourself with positivity: Engage with people, places, and activities that nourish your soul.

And, of course, incorporating even just a few minutes of breathwork into your daily routine can be a game-changer for staying connected to your higher vibration.


Raising your vibe isn’t about being perfect or staying in a high-energy state all the time. It’s about consistently choosing to align with the energy that feels most authentic and uplifting to you. VibeFlow Breathwork is here to support you on this journey, helping you clear what no longer serves you, tap into your inner power, and elevate your energy.

Ready to experience the shift? I invite you to join me for a VibeFlow Breathwork session and see how it can transform your vibe and your life. Remember, your breath is your medicine—let it guide you to your highest energy.


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