VibeFlow Breathwork

Your Breath is Your Medicine

VibeFlow Breathwork is a transformative healing practice that guides you to deeper self-awareness, helping you access inner wisdom, release stuck emotions, and reconnect with self-love.

It’s about finding your natural flow, allowing your energy to move freely, and aligning with your most authentic vibe.

Your breath is your medicine, and this practice invites you to become your own healer, opening pathways for profound growth, peace, and clarity.

By changing the rhythm of your breath, you calm your nervous system, relieve stress, and tap into your body’s natural healing abilities, creating space for real healing and transformation.

"Breath is the power behind all things. I breathe in and know that good things will happen." -Tao Porchon-Lynch

  • Feeling stuck in old patterns or limiting beliefs and ready to shift into a flow state

  • Experiencing stress, anxiety, or emotional overwhelm and seeking relief

  • Struggling with grief, trauma, or unresolved emotions that block your energy

  • Seeking a deeper connection to intuition and creativity to enhance your life’s vibe

  • Desiring a safe space for healing and self-discovery

VibeFlow Breathwork is perfect if you're

VibeFlow Breathwork isn’t just another wellness practice; it’s a powerful, immersive, embodied experience that helps you release and heal trauma held in your body.

As you engage in this breathwork, you’ll find yourself letting go of stored emotions and beliefs that have been holding you back, allowing your nervous system to shift from survival mode into a state of ease and flow.

With VibeFlow Breathwork, you reconnect with your authentic self, shedding layers of stress, outdated beliefs, and emotions that no longer serve you.

With each breath, you’re not just taking in air—you’re infusing your body with increased oxygen, a vital element that stimulates healing and rejuvenation. This oxygen reaches your brain, enhancing relaxation and mental clarity. It also alkalizes your body, promoting overall wellness.

This process helps you tap into a calm that remains long after the session is over. It’s your way to reset, break free from the hectic pace of life, and carry that sense of peace and clarity with you every single day!

Breathwork offers a transformative journey of releasing, reconnecting, and integrating your whole self. It offers you the chance to tap into your body’s wisdom, gain clarity, and step forward with renewed purpose.

Your breath is your medicine—embrace it to heal, transform, and return to your true self.

If you're ready to prioritize yourself and experience the transformative power of VibeFlow Breathwork, contact Ginette today. Bring back the vitality, joy and balance you've been seeking.

VibeFlow Breathwork Benefits:

group breathwork
  • Nervous System Regulation: Helps calm the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety.

  • Enhanced Oxygenation: Deep breathing increases oxygen flow, energizing your body and mind.

  • Immune System Boost: Strengthens and supports immune function, promoting overall health.

  • Emotional Release: Let go of old emotions, traumas, and limiting beliefs.

  • Deep Relaxation: Promotes calm, clarity, and overall relaxation.

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Connect with your intuition and inner wisdom.

  • Balanced Energy Flow: Restores the healthy flow of Qi and balances chakras.

  • Creative Inspiration: Unlock creativity and overcome mental blocks.

  • Healing & Transformation: Access a safe space for profound healing, self-love, and growth.

  • Pain Relief: Releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, to alleviate physical discomfort and tension.

The Details

How a VibeFlow Breathwork session works:

Booking & Preparation:

  • Once we’ve set a date, I’ll send you a Zoom link for our session.

  • It’s best to avoid large meals for about 2 hours before, so your belly feels light and comfortable.

What You’ll Need:

  • Find a cozy space to lay down undisturbed with your eyes closed.

  • Recommended: a blanket, eye pillow, journal, pen, and water—anything to make you feel supported.

  • You’ll keep your camera on so I can guide and support you every step of the way.

The Session:

  • We’ll start by discussing any specific areas you'd like to focus on—whether it's emotional release, stress reduction, or another intention. I’ll fully explain the breathwork process so you feel comfortable and relaxed before we begin.

  • Then, we’ll begin with a gentle meditation to ground and relax you.

  • I’ll guide you through an active breathwork journey, thoughtfully created to support your unique focus, with immersive music playing throughout to enhance your experience.

  • The session concludes with a restful integration phase, allowing you to absorb the healing benefits.

Energy Healing:

  • During the session, I’ll provide energy healing to assist in moving energy and emotions, helping to balance your chakras and subtle energy.

After the Session:

  • I’ll share aftercare instructions to help you continue your healing journey.

Session Details: Each session is 75 minutes and costs $180.

Group Sessions Available: Gather your group of 6 or more and experience VibeFlow Breathwork together over Zoom! This shared journey is a powerful way to connect, release, and heal as a collective. Each person participates for $55, making it a unique and accessible opportunity for deeper connection and transformation. Perfect for friends, family, or teams looking to elevate their energy together.

Ready to experience the transformative power of VibeFlow Breathwork? Click below to connect with me and schedule your personalized session

Mini FAQ

  • VibeFlow Breathwork uses a circular breathing technique with three distinct phases. I guide you through the process and explain it fully during a session, but essentially, it's two breaths in and one breath out. The first breath fills your belly, the second fills your chest, and then you gently release the breath without forcing it out. This technique creates a continuous, flowing rhythm that enhances relaxation and healing.

  • No, VibeFlow Breathwork is not hyperventilating. It's a controlled, intentional breathing technique that focuses on deep, rhythmic breaths to promote relaxation and healing. Unlike hyperventilation, which is rapid and shallow, VibeFlow Breathwork encourages full, conscious breathing. You are always in control of your breath and can adjust the speed to match what feels comfortable for you. This way, you get to set the pace and stay in control, making sure you feel safe, supported, and truly empowered throughout the entire experience.

  • Breathwork sessions help with emotional release and stress reduction by increasing oxygen levels in the bloodstream, which shifts your body from a state of fight-or-flight to rest and relaxation. This deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing tension and suppressed emotions to surface and release naturally. As your body receives more oxygen, endorphins are released, which help lower stress levels and promote feelings of calm. It’s a powerful way to clear stuck energy, making room for healing, clarity, and a sense of peace.

  • During the Session:

    Each VibeFlow Breathwork session is a deeply personal journey, and no two sessions are alike.

    Physically, you might notice tingling sensations in your hands, feet, or face as your body responds to increased oxygen flow. Some experience warmth, cold, light-headedness, or even muscle tension. These sensations are your body’s way of releasing energy or stored tension. You may also feel waves of energy moving through different parts of your body as it begins to open up and release blockages.

    Emotionally/Mentally, it’s common to experience a range of emotions. You might feel deeply relaxed, or long-buried feelings such as sadness, joy, frustration, or even unexpected laughter may rise to the surface. This is all part of the healing process, as breathwork allows you to access and release emotions that have been stored in your body. You may find yourself accessing memories, visions, or insights, and this process can be cathartic and enlightening.

    After the Session:

    Post-session, the experience can be equally varied. Many people report feeling a profound sense of relaxation, peace, and calm. Some feel energized and as if a weight has been lifted, while others may experience a heightened sense of clarity and mental focus.

    Physically, you might feel lighter, more grounded, or notice that aches or tension you felt before the session have eased. Emotionally, you may feel more connected to yourself, more in tune with your feelings, and more open-hearted. It's important to understand that every session is different; the depth of your experience can change each time, and you may not have the same sensations twice.

  • After your VibeFlow Breathwork session, it’s important to take time to rest and integrate the experience. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as this helps flush out toxins and energy released during the session. Journaling can be incredibly helpful for processing any emotions, insights, or thoughts that came up. Gentle movement, like yoga or a walk in nature, can also support your body’s healing process. Most importantly, be kind to yourself—honor whatever emotions arise and allow yourself the space to continue your healing journey.

  • For the best results, practicing VibeFlow Breathwork once a week is a great starting point, especially if you're new to breathwork. This frequency allows you to gradually build a deeper connection with your breath, experience emotional release, and reduce stress over time. As you become more comfortable, you can adjust the frequency based on how you feel and the benefits you’re seeking. Some people find even more profound results by practicing 2-3 times a week. Remember, it’s all about finding a rhythm that feels right for you.


“I feel like I’m floating on a cloud since our breathwork session! I just feel so much happier! I’ve been crying in amazement & gratitude to you. Thank you! “

-Lynn H. New York


“I’ve been experiencing a lot of anxiety lately and feeling a tightness or heaviness in my chest. Right after our session I noticed that the tightness was gone! I couldn’t believe it - it’s been a week and it hasn’t come back. I’m feeling much more calm and relaxed.”

-Susan D. New York


"OMG! I felt so safe and comfortable, and for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I experienced a sense of lightness, as if I was out of my body flying. I could never meditate because my mind would always be all over the place, but the breathwork allowed it to happen. I went for a mani-pedi afterward and kept falling asleep—that's how at ease I felt! THANK YOU."

-Anna D. New York


Experience the transformative power of VibeFlow Breathwork and bring back the joy, peace, and balance you've been seeking.